We had a most successful October celebration last month, thanks to you, our dear parents and also our neighbouring vendors who look forward to this event each year with us. The children looked so cute in their Halloween costumes and they all enjoyed the trick or treating activity with the parade as well as our pyjama luncheon party.

We are looking forward to having more successful celebration with you and our children. The holidays are just around the corner and we will be having a simple Thanksgiving feast for the children during lunch. That way, we can make the children truly understand what the celebration is all about, being thankful for all our blessings. School will be closed on the 28th and 29th in observance of this very special Ameri- can tradition.

Our school will again solicit your kind support and participation to our exciting JOG-A-THON event on the 25th of this month. This is our way of raising funds for our classrooms and the special projects of our school. It had been quite successful in the past years and we are having high hopes that this year will exceed expectations because of your continued help in all our activities. Please allow me to thank you in advance for your support.

Just a gentle reminder on bundling-up our children for the cold- er weather. Please label carefully all of your child’s cold weather items to avoid loss. Please always check the front sign-up boards for information and notices. But please do not hesitate to ask any of the staff or me for clarifications and verifications. Again, thank you for all your support.

A Most Blessed Thanksgiving Day to All!